There has been a lot going on in our household lately. Most of you probably know that it has been almost 8 months since I left my job as Communications Coordinator for (The) Canyons Resort. I’ll admit, I always knew that I wanted to work within the ski industry. My mom recently found a school project of mine from high school that listed 5, 10, and 15 year goals that included working as Events Manager at Park City Mountain Resort. My time at Canyons was nothing short of an amazing learning experience with some serious ups and downs. It was a roller coaster ride with the marketing team as I went through major life events (breaking my back, FINALLY turning 21, going to Kenya, getting engaged, and then married). And now, here I am, wondering what is next for me – another ski resort? A whole different industry?

Interning in 2007
This winter I waitressed, which some days I believe I am truly wonderful at (accomplishment highlight – selling about 30 t-shirt/shot specials at $10 a pop) and most days, I am truly terrible at. What I learned, is that it is not a career for me.
Anyways, here I am feeling a little lost as I take the next steps in my life. For the first time ever, I don’t have a backup plan for a job and I don’t know where I’ll be living in 2 months. What I’m getting at, is that it doesn’t matter how much you plan, life will always through curve-balls at you, (please let one of those be a JOB)!
But, whatever you want to happen, tell people your goals, because the more you project, the more you have to make them come true, people will ask you and hold you to what you told them. Plus, it really is all about who you know, and you never know who is going to have a wonderful tip.
Change, whatever it is, maybe a new job, city, friends, or significant other always has a way of making you stronger.
In the mean time, my move is taking us back to the Pacific Northwest, and hopefully the Portland area. If anyone knows of any companies hiring for PR, marketing, wineries or breweries, please don’t hesitate to let me know. (Thanks!)