Is there anything more memorable then travel? I have been blessed to have been able to travel some in my lifetime, but there are places that I can’t wait to visit in the future.
1. Tree house Costa Rica friends trip. By the time the ski season was over in Utah, everyone was itching to get out of town to somewhere warm. I know that I’m going to feel the same way living up here in the Northwest, let’s start planning a Spring 2013 Costa trip. I’m thinking the Costa Rica Tree House Lodge is the perfect place to set up camp for a week or so. Proximity to beaches, yoga classes, and it’s a tree house!

photo: Costa Rica Tree House Lodge
2. Ireland/Scotland Whiskey and Scotch tour. Alright this one is for R, but I think I could learn to appreciate the flavors of scotch and whiskey as long as some wine was mixed in. What’s this I see? The Irish Whiskey Trail. Oh boy.

photo: Jameson Whiskey
3. Colorado Ski Trip. I am a die hard Utah fan, because well Utah skiing is far superior to Colorado’s. But the truth is, I don’t actually know if that is the case because I’ve never skied in Colorado. Utah was easier to get to for family vacations growing up, plus we had friends there. And then, I lived in Park City, and the only time we went to Colorado was for Broncos games and to visit my comrades at Skinet, Freeskier, and Mountain Sports+Living publications. I can’t wait for R and I to cruise into Aspen, Vail, Beaver Creek, or any of the above to see what all the Colorado hype is about.

4. Skagway via Juneau, Alaska. Our good friend lives in Skagway during the summers and we have been talking about a visit for years now. Right now, we’re saving our airline miles and pennies to make it happen.

photo: Mike Schmeling
5. New York City, baby. R’s never been east of Montana, and I think it is about time to change that. First east coast stop – NYC. Not to mention a couple of my good friends from high school live in Brooklyn adding some incentive.

We’re talking 2 year plan here, so that about wraps it up. I want to take R to San Diego, I haven’t been to Vegas in years, not to mention more wine country….we have a lot of places to see, and I’ve barely even touched on International spots.
It doesn’t matter how many places you explore, there are always more around the corner. Where are you going on your next trip?
P.S. Who is in for Costa Rica 2013?