Weekends at The Gorge

The first time I ever visited The Gorge, I was five and there for the Steve Miller Band concert.  Fortunately, Steve is a close family friend so we got the whole backstage experience and from what I remember…it was awesome.  I can’t imagine why it took me seventeen years to go back.

This summer I spent the opening and closing weekends of summer there, which was epic.  Memorial Day Weekend I stayed four nights and saw over twenty concerts.  Labor Day Weekend I stayed one night and saw one concert.  Although the weekends are incomparable, they were equally spectacular.  The perfect combination of great people, music and scenery seems to make for an unbeatable weekend every time.

It’s hard to believe that a place where the standard rules of society don’t apply is only a three hour drive from the city.

Here are just a couple of my favorite pictures from my time there this summer…

Best view in the house – Memorial Day Weekend

Lighting hot air balloons – Memorial Day Weekend

Rachel and me at the campground- Labor Day Weekend (Photo Cred: Rachel’s FB)

DMB aftermath – Labor Day Weekend

See you next summer, Gorge Amphitheater, right where I left you.

