A dog in a beekeeper suit! This is RICH.
Gourmet S’mores
I picked up some mallows from Madyson’s Gourmet Marshmallows in Sumner a few weeks ago, and I was SO excited to make gourmet s’mores using the peanut butter/chocolate chip stuffed fluffs.
I mean…you guys…s’mores are the ultimate, and these homemade marshmallows are life changing. Our family has always used fudge stripe cookies instead of grahams. The group officially decided that the ultimate s’more is a fudge stripe smeared with peanut butter and a Madyson’s stuffed mallow.
It would be SO cute to have a s’more station at a rustic wedding featuring the fluffs.
Back to Reality
Back to reality after spending my birthday and the 4th of July weekend at our family cabin on Priest Lake in Idaho. It was a blast having both my siblings, parents, and some of my best friends there! After the drive home one of my bff’s, picked me up and surprised me with tickets to the Boyz II Men, New Kids on the Block, 98 degrees concert. Actual LOLZ for days! Then yesterday, I played in a golf tournament to support the Mary Bridge hospital with a friend who works for the Tacoma Rainiers.
Great vacations lead to tough work weeks. Get on the grind, be productive, and think efficiently!
Happy 99th Birthday!
Happy 99th Birthday to my adorable Grandma Jeanne. When R and I took Judge to say hi last weekend, we said “do you know what is this week? It’s the 4th of July”, she replied, “the THIRD of July!” We share our day, and I always say, “Hi Grandma, it’s Hannah, your birthday buddy,” she usually responds with a kissy face.
She’s survived the Great Depression, the Prohibition, 2 World Wars, 15 United States presidents, and uncountable other historic events. She was a member of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority at Washington State University, and was a social worker. She was an active member in the Junior League of Tacoma. She has fond memories of skiing at Paradise on Mount Rainier in the 30’s and 40’s, and when prompted will still ask how the conditions are during the winter. Grandma’s Grandfather is the one who built our Priest Lake Cabin in 1912. Her and her husband, Chuck, spent their honeymoon there which included rowing the 8 miles to the cabin. They built a beautiful home in North Tacoma that is full mid-century style, and is every bit as stylish 50 plus years later. Most of all, she remains the sweet lady all these years later.
Cheers to you birthday buddy!
glassybaby bridal shower
Eeeee! Our brother is getting married to this awesome chick named Erica! They’ve been engaged for over a year, and the wedding is fast approaching! Erica and Nathan run an amazing business together called Two Birds Events, and I know their wedding is going to be so beautiful. S and I couldn’t wait to throw Erica a gorgeous bridal shower in Seattle. When we started brainstorming venue options, Erica and I were chatting about their registries. She joked to me that all she wanted was glassybaby’s. I can relate. They are fantastic. Mid conversation a light bulb went on and I knew we had to host the shower at the glassybaby studio. Since the wedding is very nautical themed (complete with custom logo pointing NorthEast for Nathan and Erica!), we incorporated that into the shower.
Invitations from Dulce Grace Printables.
The space is super unique because the glassblowers are hard at work the whole time you are there. We were so excited to get to pick out as many glassybabies as we wanted to use in the decor. (“Should we use more?” “Uh, yes!”) We picked neutral whites with pops of blue and red. Vases of flowers via Pike Place.
Maid of honor, bride, and bridesmaid Jenny arriving!
Erica is pretty much famous for her cheese plates, so we stocked up at one of our fave cheese shops in the market.
Watermelon ricotta cups, shrimp cocktails, and chicken caesar pasta salad.
My mom’s friend Laurie had the cake pops done by a friend of hers – they were SO delicious!
(Let me know if you want her contact info.)
Throughout everyone casually shopped and picked out presents for Erica and (mostly) to take home. Each glassybaby is unique because they are handblown so two of the same color could look different when they are lit.
Pretty hilarious, when we all got dressed in the morning we must have had nautical on our minds because pretty much everyone showed up wearing blue, red, and white colors!
2 months until the wedding!!!!
– h& s
Hannah’s Current Faves
Thought I would share some of my current obsessions. Life is good right now, am I right though?! Summa’ summa’ time is officially here and it is hot. PLUS – my birthday/my favorite holiday is next week and we’re heading to the family cabin for some lake time.
Flag Scarf/ Govino Champagne Glasses/ Foam Roller/ Basil Plants raised from seed/ Kikoys from Kenya/ BKR Water Bottle
Have a wonderful (short) week!
P.S. Here’s the real photo of my current faves.
As Google Reader checks out this weekend, you can check us out on Bloglovin’!
Grilled Salmon and Cucumber Salsa
My friend Lindsey is temporarily back in the area and I couldn’t be more excited. She came over last week and we collaborated on a salmon dinner served with cucumber salsa. We were feeling inspired by Ashley, the chef behind one of my favorite Seattle blogs, Not Without Salt, having never poached salmon before, I decided to do what I know and treat my big side of fresh Copper River Salmon to the grill.
Salmon is quintessential in the Northwest, and it is a food that is full of memories for me. Rory and I were in Alaska with my family on a salmon fishing trip when we got engaged. We brought home 50 pounds of fish from that trip.
We were giving it away to our friends and coworkers and still months later, I would pull a bag of salmon out of the freezer, researching new recipes as it thawed. In the mean time, we found our favorite techniques for preparing the fish. It is easy to overcook it, but a true Northwester will tell you that if the fish is quality, it can be on the rare side of medium rare and coast into perfect texture once removed from the heat.
This recipe can be adapted according to what you have on hand, but the basic technique is the same.
Barbeque Salmon
– Using pliers and feeling along the fillet pull the larger eye bones out – this isn’t necessary, but for guests, it makes it much more pleasant to eat.
– Preheat grill to medium high.
– Lay the fish on a piece of heavy duty foil that is big enough to fold up along the edges.
– Season using fennel seeds, green garlic, fresh garlic sliced, fresh chopped dill, salt and pepper.
– Thinly slice a full lemon and lay on top of the fish.
– Grill for about 12-15 minutes (depending on thickness, we usually do about 8 minutes per inch) and let rest for 10 minutes.
– Serve salmon warm with cucumber salsa.
Cucumber Salsa Recipe via Not Without Salt, it packed some serious heat from the serrano chili. Next time, I think we would use a jalapeno instead.
Farm Share: Week 7
Oh yeah baby, it’s summer farm share time. This week’s haul included: baby bok choy, Rainier cherries, radishes, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, carrots, snap peas, and arugula.
I have to be honest, I’m not feeling super inspired for what to cook right now. Summer meals usually mean simplicity for me – veggies sauteed and lots of grilling. It’s easier to go raw then turn the stove on when you’re trying to take advantage of every last bit of light. Right now, dusk doesn’t hit until about 10:00, it’s nice to be able to finish dinner and still have some time to walk over to froyo. That being said, I love an arugula, watermelon, feta salad. I usually just mix whatever I have together with a bit of balsamic vinaigrette, but here’s a tasty looking option.
What are you cooking with all the lovely summer ingredients that are currently available?
P.S. Learn more about our Terry’s Berries Farm Share here.
Tuesday Shoesday – Flats or Sandals?
Flats are storming spring and summer by rage this year and I have to say – I am loving this trend. As the summer months get hotter, it may be tough motivation to slip your sweaty soles into a less than breezy flat. No need to fuss though, Dolce Vita has compromised for you.

DV by Dolce Vita ‘Zen’ Sandal can be found at Nordstrom.com – currently on sale for $52.89
The “Zen” sandal-flat will be super cute all summer long and will give your toes the fresh air they crave. Available in Black, Cognac, Sea Blue and White. I went for the Cognac to be sure they will go with almost anything, but I’m tempted to dive in with the Sea Blue as well…