Woo hoo! It is officially the first week of summer share from Terry’s Berries in Puyallup.

The first couple of summer shares include crossover between spring produce and the beginning of summer goods. This week we received: broccolini, spinach, kale, green garlic, lettuce, radishes, apples, and strawberries! We also purchased some ground cherry plants, which I’m super excited about!
When my mom came in with our haul she was beaming with excitement about STRAWBERRIES! The first of the season, they were still warm from sitting on the bushes in the sun. They are so sweet, juicy, and FULL of flavor. She said I was lucky they even made it the two miles from the farm to the office without her eating them all. I saved R a couple for when he gets home from work, it took some serious self control, because MAN, they are good.
Pretty much everything I have planted lately Judge has eaten including 4 established lettuce plants last week, nipped right to the ground, a spaghetti squash plant that was apparently talking smack or something to him. 5 primroses in early March and about 50 bulbs. I so thoughtfully planted the lily, daffodil, and tulip bulbs and then Judge dug them all up, gathered them, and brought them to his bed. I hastily threw them back in the ground after, so we’ll see what happens next spring. He stayed away from the mint, thyme, jalapeno, and tomato plants, so hopefully he will do the same for my new ground cherries.
Anyways, this week on the menu will be spinach/berry smoothies in the mornings. Lots of salads for lunches. And crispy broccolini for dinner at least one night!
Crispy Broccolini
– Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
– Trim ends and any tough parts off broccolini.
– Toss with olive oil, a splash of lemon juice, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Should be enough to coat and brighten the green color.
– Spread on baking sheet and cook for 20-25 minutes or until crispy on the outside but stems are soft on the inside. Shake the pan about half way through to prevent from browning or sticking.
– Sprinkle a little shredded or shaved parmesan on top and enjoy!
Read week one, two, or three.