As H mentioned, I have ventured to Nairobi, Kenya. I arrived just a few hours ago and the current time is 1:35am. The thirty hours of traveling and ten hour time change has left me severely jet-lagged and unable to sleep.
This year has brought a lot of change for me. I think that if you would have asked me this time last year what I was going to do after graduation, I never would have said moving to Kenya for the Fall. This opportunity sprung on me, so I took it. Unaware that when the time came to actually go, I would be shaking in my boots. I can tell you that four hours into my three month stay I have felt an array of things; mostly scared and lonely, but also very excited.
I will keep everyone updated, especially when I see this place in the daylight.
You can not believe how excited I was to see this post!!!! It makes me feel so connected. I am totally amazed that you can text and IM half way around the world! And I am jealous of Nathan and Hannah’s IPhones now.
Much love and looking forward to more news.
Sarah, Tim and I are sooo proud of you for having the courage to do this. We look forward to hearing all about your adventure (and journey) you are growing by leaps and bounds! We’ll be thinking about you and look forward to reading your posts. Sending good thoughts, take care. Love Tim and Jacki
Last Friday I saw you, did you, mention you were leaving us for awhile???So glad you are A OK and what a gal you are to take on such an adventure.
Stay safe and learn lots. Lots of luv Rose